Blase Polite, MD


Incorporating ctDNA Into Routine Practice: Clinical Pearls

March 22nd 2022

Advice to GI oncologists in the community on using ctDNA testing to detect minimal residual disease and inform treatment decisions in colorectal cancer.

Investigating the Role of ctDNA in Colorectal Cancer: Next Steps

March 22nd 2022

Abstracts presented during ASCO GI 2022 and other initiatives in clinical trials, assessing treatment strategies for patients with colorectal cancer based on ctDNA negativity or positivity.

Objectives of the CIRCULATE-US Study in Colorectal Cancer

March 15th 2022

An overview of the design of the CIRCULATE-US study, set to further explore the potential of ctDNA testing in colorectal cancer.

Updated Results of CIRCULATE-Japan in Colorectal Cancer

March 8th 2022

Implications of the GALAXY study in CIRCULATE-Japan, in terms of utilizing ctDNA to guide decisions for adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer.

Earlier Detection of Relapse in Colorectal Cancer

March 1st 2022

Key takeaways of a recent article highlighting the use of ctDNA analyses for the assessment of recurrence risk, benefit of adjuvant therapy, and early relapse detection after treatment in colorectal cancer patients.

Preoperative and Postoperative ctDNA Testing in Colorectal Cancer

February 22nd 2022

How ctDNA testing can be used in the preoperative and postoperative settings to help oncologists make informed treatment decisions.

Potential Applications of ctDNA Testing in Colorectal Cancer

February 15th 2022

An overview of the ctDNA testing platforms and the potential clinical applications of ctDNA testing across the colorectal cancer disease continuum.