Christina Izzo


Telephone Counseling Boosts Spirits-and Immune Indicators-for Cervical Cancer Survivors

May 11th 2015

Psychosocial telephone counseling intervention benefits mood and quality of life for cervical cancer survivors, including cancer-specific and gynecologic concerns.

Supportive Care Is Key in MDS Treatment

April 28th 2015

Interview with Thomas Prebet MD, PhD, in advance of the 2015 International MDS Symposium, on topics related to supportive care in MDS and iron chelation therapy.

Dense Breasts Found in More Black Than White Women, Risk Could Help Target Cancer

April 27th 2015

Black/African-American women had a significantly higher absolute area breast density of 40.1 cm2 compared with 33.1 cm2 in white women.

Vitamin D Deficient Follicular Lymphoma Patients Experience Higher Relapse Risk

April 22nd 2015

Low vitamin D levels prior to treatment may be linked to risk of relapse or death for patients with follicular lymphoma.

New Ovarian Cancer Guidelines Include Surgery, Chemotherapy and Therapy Advancements

March 18th 2015

Recent advancements in the treatment of ovarian cancer, including surgical techniques, the approvals of bevacizumab and olaparib, and intraperitoneal chemotherapy, have led the National Comprehensive Cancer Network to make changes to their clinical practice guidelines.

Lung Cancer Clinical Trials Could See Boost in Enrollment

March 9th 2015

Prior cancer history should not exclude patients with advanced lung cancer from participating in clinical trials because it does not impact clinical outcomes.

Men with Testicular Cancer More Likely to Develop Prostate Cancer

February 23rd 2015

A new study has shown that men with a history of testicular cancer have a higher incidence of developing prostate cancer, including intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer, compared to those without a history of testicular cancer.

Analysis Shows Increased Ovarian Cancer Risk From Hormone Replacement Therapy

February 17th 2015

The risk of developing the two most common types of ovarian cancer significantly increases when taking hormone replacement therapy to alleviate symptoms of menopause, according to a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies.

President Details $215 Million 'Precision Medicine Initiative'

January 31st 2015

The 'precision medicine initiative' proposed by President Barack Obama will require an initial investment of $215 million and consent from 1 million volunteers, with the goal of discovering potential cures for patients with cancer.

Trastuzumab Regimen Lowers Recurrence Risk in Early-Stage, HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

January 20th 2015

Results of a phase II study showed that women with small, stage I HER2-positive tumors who received a combination of lower-intensity chemotherapy and the targeted drug trastuzumab following surgery were highly unlikely to have the cancer recur within 3 years.

Expert Discusses Significance of Roche/Foundation Medicine Collaboration

January 15th 2015

Andre Goy, MD, chairman, director, and chief of the Lymphoma Division at the John Theurer Cancer Center, sat down with OncLive to discuss the recent merger and what that means for the future of precision medicine.

Anderson Provides Insight Into Novel Agents in Multiple Myeloma

November 26th 2014

The treatment of patients with multiple myeloma is poised to undergo a dramatic transformation, as novel monoclonal antibodies and combination strategies race toward approval.

Early IDH1 Inhibitor Data Promising in AML

November 24th 2014

The IDH1 inhibitor AG-120 has shown a favorable safety and efficacy profile in patients with IDH1 mutation positive advanced hematologic malignancies, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Levy Provides Update on Squamous Cell Lung Cancer Treatments

November 22nd 2014

Recent advances with immune checkpoint inhibitors could improve outcomes for patients with squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer, a traditionally hard to treat histology.

Updated Data Continues to Support Adjuvant Trastuzumab

November 20th 2014

Adding 1-year of adjuvant trastuzumab to chemotherapy continues to demonstrate an improvement in overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) for patients with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer

PER Conference Features Expert Views on Lung Cancer Advances

November 7th 2014

Lung cancer experts provided insights into recent developments in the treatment of the disease, covering topics ranging from resistance to targeted therapies to immunotherapy agents under study, during the 9th Annual New York Lung Cancer Symposium in New York City.

Three Specialists Offer Outlook on Employing Pomalidomide in Multiple Myeloma

November 4th 2014

As therapy options for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma have expanded in recent years, so have clinical considerations about how best to incorporate new agents into the treatment paradigm.

Molecular Diagnostics Focus on Thyroid Nodule Classification

October 30th 2014

New data being presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association show promise for two molecular tests that help identify indeterminate thyroid nodules as either benign or malignant.

PARP Inhibitor Shows Potential in Squamous Cell Lung Cancer

October 26th 2014

Suresh S. Ramalingam, MD, discusses results from a phase II trial exploring the potential of veliparib as a treatment for patients with squamous cell NSCLC.

Approval Sought for Ibrutinib in Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia

October 22nd 2014

Janssen Research & Development, LLC, has submitted a supplemental New Drug Application for ibrutinib (Imbruvica) as treatment for patients with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM).