Heather Wakelee, MD


Treatment Considerations for Consolidation Durvalumab in Unresectable ES NSCLC

August 8th 2024

The panel discusses treatment considerations for consolidation durvalumab.

Expert Perspectives on Patient Selection for cCRT and sCRT in Unresectable ES NSCLC

August 8th 2024

The panel discusses data necessary for selecting patients with unrespectable non–small cell lung cancer for sequential vs concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

Patient with Unresectable Stage IIIB EGFR-Mutant NSCLC with N2 Bulky Disease

August 8th 2024

The panel looks at a second patient case study.

Management of Resectable Early Stage NSCLC with Actionable Mutations

August 8th 2024

The panel discusses management of resectable early-stage non–small cell lung cancer.

Considerations for Combination of Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy in Resectable ES NSCLC

August 8th 2024

The panel discusses the factors that go into selecting patients for adjuvant therapy.

Management of Borderline Resectable NSCLC

August 8th 2024

The panel discusses reassessing for respectability after certain treatments.

Treatment Considerations for Neoadjuvant and Perioperative Therapy in ES NSCLC

July 12th 2024

A variety of treatment options in ES NSCLC are explored by key opinion leaders.

Navigating Neoadjuvant and Perioperative Treatment Strategies in Early Stage NSCLC

July 12th 2024

The panel discusses a variety of clinical trials and the impact on patient treatment in early stage NSCLC.

Biomarker Testing and the Multidisciplinary Approach in Early-Stage NSCLC

June 25th 2024

Panelists discuss the utilization of testing and multidisciplinary approaches for testing.

Patient with Stage IIIB NSCLC with No Actionable Mutations and PD-L1 TPS 0%

June 25th 2024

Medical experts discuss a specific case for a patient diagnosed with stage IIIB NSCLC.

Lung Cancer Experts Detail Challenges of Cisplatin/Carboplatin Shortages

September 13th 2023

Experts discuss the challenges of the ongoing cisplatin and carboplatin shortages in the United States and detail how they are adapting in their practices.

Exciting NSCLC Data Updates from ESMO 2022

November 9th 2022

The panel shares the data that excited them the most from ESMO 2022, and what to look forward to in the future.

NSCLC Molecular Testing Recommendations for Community Hospitals

November 2nd 2022

Recommendations for community hospitals and physicians on the critically necessary molecular tests needed for patients with NSCLC.

Adjuvant Therapy in EGFR-Mutated NSCLC

November 2nd 2022

Drs Spicer and Sabari explain if and when they test patients with NSCLC for EGFR mutations after surgical resection.

Updates on Adjuvant Osimertinib for NSCLC Treatment from the ADUARA Trial

October 26th 2022

Key opinion leaders share their thoughts on data updates from the ADUARA trial on the use of osimertinib as an adjuvant therapy for NSCLC.

The Role of Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with NSCLC

October 26th 2022

Drs Bill W. Loo and Joshua Sabari discusses whether there is a role for any adjuvant therapies in NSCLC treatment, and which patients might benefit.

Selecting Appropriate Patients with NSCLC for Neoadjuvant Therapy

October 19th 2022

Joshua Sabari, MD, describes which stage groups of patients with NSCLC should receive neoadjuvant therapies, and which therapies are typically used.

The Role of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Resectable NSCLC

October 19th 2022

Drs Wakelee, Sabari, and Wistuba review updated data on neoadjuvant treatment in NSCLC from key studies including CheckMate-816 and NADIM-2.

Updates in the Treatment of Stage I-IIIA NSCLC

October 17th 2022

The panel reviews updates in the treatment of stage I-IIIA NSCLC and discusses its impact in clinical practice.

Is There a Role for Liquid Biopsies in Early NSCLC?

October 17th 2022

Ignacio Wistuba, MD, leads the discussion on the role of liquid biopsies for molecular testing in early NSCLC.