James K. McCloskey, MD


Challenges in Managing Adverse Events and Unmet Needs in Leukemia

March 12th 2024

Dr McCloskey highlights challenges in adverse event management and discusses unmet needs in the treatment of patients with leukemia.

Key Takeaways from Recent Updates in Leukemia

March 12th 2024

James K. McCloskey, MD, provides an overview of key takeaways from recent studies presented at the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting in leukemia.

Subgroup Analysis of the Phase 3 PhALLCON Study of Ponatinib in Ph+ ALL

March 5th 2024

An expert on leukemia provides comprehensive insights on the subgroup analysis of the phase 3 PhALLCON study of ponatinib in Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Long-Term Results of the OPTIC Trial in CML

March 5th 2024

Focusing on chronic myeloid leukemia, James K. McCloskey, MD, reviews the long-term results of the OPTIC trial presented at ASH 2023.

Recent Data from ASH 2023 in Leukemia

February 27th 2024

Following ASH 2023, a hematologist-oncologist discusses recent updates on approved and emerging therapies for patients with leukemia, highlighting the TRANSFORM-1 trial looking at navitoclax plus ruxolitinib.

The Evolving Treatment Landscape of Leukemia

February 27th 2024

James K. McCloskey, MD, a specialist in leukemia, discusses how the treatment landscape has changed in recent years.

Dr McCloskey on Flow Cytometry and Machine Learning in Hematologic Malignancy Diagnosis

January 20th 2024

James K. McCloskey, MD, discusses the potential for machine learning to replace flow cytometry analyses in patients with hematologic neoplasms.