Joyce O’Shaughnessy, MD


Clinical Impact of Subcutaneous Fixed-Dose Pertuzumab – trastuzumab-hyaluronidase in HER2+ Breast Cancer

July 1st 2024

Breast cancer specialists outline their institution’s practices regarding the choice between subcutaneous fixed-dose pertuzumab – trastuzumab-hyaluronidase and intravenous pertuzumab and trastuzumab.

Neoadjuvant Treatment Options in HER2+ Early Breast Cancer

June 24th 2024

Ian Krop, MD, PhD, outlines his institution’s approach to utilizing neoadjuvant therapy in patients with HER2+ early breast cancer, and Melinda Telli, MD, discusses the role of surgery.

Challenges in Diagnosing HER2+ Breast Cancer

June 24th 2024

A panel of experts on breast cancer provide insights on challenges encountered during the diagnosis of HER2+ early breast cancer and discuss the role of immunohistochemistry and FISH testing.

Ongoing Studies in Genomic Testing for Breast Cancer

February 27th 2024

Closing their discussion, experts share ongoing studies utilizing genomic testing for patients with breast cancer.

Reflecting on Genomic Testing in Practice for Breast Cancer

February 27th 2024

Joyce O’Shaughnessy, MD and Erin Cobain, MD, offer their reflections of genomic testing in breast cancer and its impact on clinical practice.

Racial Disparities and Genomic Testing for Breast Cancer Patients

February 20th 2024

Dr O’Shaughnessy and Dr Cobain review growing discussions from SABCS 2023 surrounding the impact of racial disparities and genomic testing for breast cancer patients.

Real-World Evidence in Genomic Testing from SABCS 2023

February 20th 2024

Experts in breast cancer outline data presented at SABCS 2023, focusing on real-world evidence for genomic assays used in practice.

Exploring Multigene Genomic Assays in High-Risk BC Patients

February 13th 2024

Dr. O’Shaughnessy details the genomic assay MammaPrint and how it compares to other multigene assays used in practice, highlighting the MINDACT and TAILORx trials.

FLEX Trial: Genomic Testing of HER2 Status in ER+/HER2-Breast Cancer

February 13th 2024

Expert oncologists discuss genomic testing for patients with HER2-low breast cancer, noting the FLEX trial of MammaPrint and BluePrint.

Clinical Considerations of Genomic Testing in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

February 8th 2024

A discussion on clinical considerations for genomic testing in patients with early-stage breast cancer.

MammaPrint: A 70-Gene Signature Test for Patient with Breast Cancer

February 8th 2024

Dr. O’Shaughnessy introduces MammaPrint and BluePrint, discussing their role in genomic testing for patients with breast cancer.

Overview of Genomic Assays for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

February 8th 2024

A comprehensive overview of genomic assays conducted for patients with early-stage breast cancer including MammaPrint, BluePrint, Oncotype DX.

Evolving Treatment Paradigms for Early-Stage Breast Cancers

December 20th 2023

Expert insights into the evolving therapeutic landscape for early-stage breast cancers, emphasizing targeted therapies and genomic testing for personalized treatment paradigms.

Unmet Needs and the Future of HER2+ Breast Cancer Treatment

March 6th 2023

The panel closes their discussion by summarizing the most exciting recent advances in HER2+ breast cancer, the future of treatment, and unmet needs that must be addressed.

Emerging Data and Investigational Agents in HER2+ mBC

March 6th 2023

The panel highlights emerging data from SABCS 2022 on investigational agents being explored for HER2+ mBC treatment.

Use of MRI for Surveillance of Brain Metastases in Patients with HER2+ mBC

March 6th 2023

The panel discusses the management of patients with HER2+ mBC with asymptomatic brain mets and shares their thoughts on the use of surveillance brain MRI in this setting.

Second-Line Treatment of HER2+ mBC and Recent Data Updates

February 27th 2023

Maryam Lustberg, MD, MPH introduces the standard of care regimens for the second-line treatment of HER2+ metastatic breast cancer, followed by a discussion of recent data on the ADC trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd).

Options for Third- and Further-Line Treatment of HER2+ mBC

February 27th 2023

Dr Debu Tripathy explains the treatment options for patients with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer in the third-line and later-line settings, including combination tucatinib/trastuzumab/capecitabine.

Data Updates in Adjuvant HER2+ Early Breast Cancer from SABCS 2022

February 21st 2023

The panel highlights recent data updates in adjuvant treatment of HER2+ early breast cancer, including longer-term follow-up data from the APT and ATEMPT trials.

HER2+ mBC: First-Line Treatment Regimens

February 21st 2023

A focused discussion on available options for the first-line treatment of HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC), with reference to data from the CLEOPATRA trial.