Pashtoon M. Kasi, MD, MS


Park and Kasi Expand on Perioperative Immunotherapy Updates in CRC

August 21st 2024

Drs Park and Kasi delve into the shift toward neoadjuvant immunotherapy and the use of ctDNA as a prognostic tool in colorectal cancer.

Dr Kasi on the Potential Implications of ctDNA presence in Colorectal Cancer

May 17th 2024

Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi, MD, MS, discusses the potential implications of ctDNA on clinical practice in treating/diagnosing colorectal cancer.

Trajectory of CRC Treatment Landscape

May 6th 2024

The panelists provide their final thoughts, exploring the prospective treatment landscape for patients with CRC.

MRD Testing in CRC: Gaps in our Understanding and Potential Advancements

May 6th 2024

The expert panel continues the discussion with thoughts on gaps in our understanding and application of MRD testing for colorectal cancer and a look to the future, highlighting potential advancements.

CIRCULATE-NORTH AMERICA and Barriers to Enrollment

April 29th 2024

Stacey Cohen, MD, discusses the rationale and study design of the phase 2/3 CIRCULATE-NORTH AMERICA study evaluating adjuvant chemotherapy selection based on MRD, and the panel discusses barriers to enrollment.

Recent Data from INTERCEPT and COSMOS-CRC-01 in Colorectal Cancer: Part 2

April 29th 2024

The panel continues its review of data presented on MRD testing in colorectal cancer from the INTERCEPT and COSMOS-CRC-01 studies.

Recent Data from INTERCEPT and COSMOS-CRC-01 in Colorectal Cancer

April 23rd 2024

The panel reviews recent data on MRD testing in colorectal cancer, highlighting the INTERCEPT and COSMOS-CRC-01 studies.

Patient Profile 2: A 35-Year-Old Man With Oligometastatic Colorectal Cancer

April 23rd 2024

Benjamin A. Weinberg, MD, presents the case of a 35-year-old man with oligometastatic disease, and the panel provides insights on treatment decisions.

Myths Surrounding Liquid Biopsy and ctDNA Testing for MRD

April 15th 2024

Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi, MD, MS, emphasizes key aspects of liquid biopsy and ctDNA testing in the MRD treatment landscape.

BESPOKE CRC: Study of ctDNA-Guided Therapy in Colorectal Cancer

April 15th 2024

Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi, MD, MS, reviews data from the BESPOKE CRC study, highlighting overall results and patient-reported outcomes.

Dr Kasi on the Use of ctDNA to Help Inform Adjuvant Treatment Decisions in CRC

April 12th 2024

Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi, MD, M.S on the potential of ctDNA to guide further adjuvant treatment decisions in CRC and other tumor types.

Colorectal Cancer: Updates from the GALAXY Arm in CIRCULATE-Japan

April 9th 2024

Focusing on the GALAXY arm in the CIRCULATE-Japan study, experts on colorectal cancer discuss how recent data are informing the evolving treatment landscape.

Patient Profile: A 52-Year-Old Woman With Colorectal Cancer

April 1st 2024

John L. Marshall, MD, presents the case of a 52-year-old woman with mid-rectal carcinoma, and the panel offers its initial impressions.

Evolution of MRD Testing in Colorectal Cancer

April 1st 2024

The panel discusses how MRD testing has evolved as a clinical tool in colorectal cancer, highlighting the phase 2/3 COBRA study and its implications.

Practical Considerations in MRD Testing in CRC

March 25th 2024

Experts on colorectal cancer discuss practical considerations related to MRD testing, highlighting strategies to navigate potential challenges.

Colorectal Cancer: MRD Testing in the Community Setting

March 25th 2024

Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi, MD, MS, discusses MRD testing practices in the community oncology setting and provides recommendations on the integration of MRD testing into clinical practice.

Testing for MRD in Colorectal Cancer

March 18th 2024

Focusing on the adjuvant setting, the expert panel discusses the timing and frequency of MRD testing in patients with colorectal cancer.

MRD Testing Platforms in Colorectal Cancer

March 18th 2024

Colorectal cancer specialists discuss MRD testing platforms and how to choose among the available testing assays.

When is MRD Testing Performed in Colorectal Cancer Treatment?

March 11th 2024

Experts on colorectal cancer discuss the timing of testing for minimal residual disease in the treatment journey.

Treating Colorectal Cancer: Overview of MRD Testing and ctDNA

March 11th 2024

A panel medical oncologists provide an overview of circulating tumor DNA and its role in MRD (minimal residual disease) testing in the treatment of patients with colorectal cancer.