Patrick I. Borgen, MD

Patrick I. Borgen, MD is the chair of the Department of Surgery and head of the Maimonides Breast Center at Maimonides Medical Center.


Dr Borgen on the Need for Improved Risk Stratification in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

March 7th 2025

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, discusses the need for improved risk stratification in early-stage breast cancer.

Dr Borgen on the Use of AI to Support Treatment Decision-Making in Oncology

January 7th 2025

Patrick Borgen, MD, discusses how advances in artificial intelligence may influence the future of oncology practice.

Dr Borgen on the Strengths and Limitations of AI in Oncology Practice

January 7th 2025

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, discusses research outlining the current clinical applications and limitations of artificial intelligence in oncology practice.

Dr. Borgen on the Immuno-Oncology Clinical Trials in Breast Cancer

March 4th 2022

Patrick Borgen, MD, discusses the evolution of immuno-oncology clinical trials in breast cancer.

Dr. Borgen on Common Symptoms of Male Breast Cancer

March 24th 2021

Patrick Borgen, MD, discusses common symptoms of breast cancer in male patients.

Dr. Borgen on the Prognosis of Male Breast Cancer

March 16th 2021

Patrick Borgen, MD, discusses the prognosis of breast cancer in male patients.

Dr. Borgen on Eliminating Opioid Use in Breast Cancer

March 5th 2021

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, discusses eliminating the use of opioids in patients with breast cancer.

COVID-19: The Unexpected Sequelae

May 12th 2020

History will report that the COVID-19 pandemic in Brooklyn, New York peaked on or about April 12, 2020; however, due to the protracted hospitalization experienced by severe COVID-19–positive patients, the heavy in-patient burden continues today.

COVID-19: New York Confirmed Cases Skyrocketing

April 14th 2020

Global COVID-19 cases exceed 1.7 million confirmed cases, and a staggering daily growth rate.

The SARS COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020

April 6th 2020

The SARS COVID-19 virus pandemic came out of nowhere, circling the globe with shocking speed and with a vengeance.

Dr. Borgen on Unanswered Questions With COVID-19

March 19th 2020

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, discusses what is currently known about coronavirus 2019 and unanswered questions that still need to be addressed.

Dr. Borgen on the De-Escalation of Surgery in Breast Cancer

March 8th 2020

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, discusses the trend toward surgical de-escalation in patients with breast cancer.

Dr. Borgen on the Opioid Crisis in Breast Cancer

March 12th 2019

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chair, Department of Surgery, director, Breast Cancer, Maimonides Medical Center, discusses the opioid crisis related to the treatment of patients with breast cancer.

Turning the Tide on Opioid Prescribing Practices

January 13th 2019

As evidence grows that opioids may potentially worsen oncologic outcomes, surgeons and oncology providers must take an active role in addressing the opioid crisis by adopting similar protocols that decrease the quantity of narcotics available for diversion while ensuring safe patient care.

Dr. Borgen Discusses the Global Impact of Biosimilars

December 8th 2018

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chair, Department of Surgery, director, Breast Cancer, Maimonides Medical Center, discusses the potential global impact of biosimilars in oncology.

Dr. Borgen Discusses the Equivalence of Biosimilars

December 4th 2018

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chair, Department of Surgery, director, Breast Cancer, Maimonides Medical Center, discusses the equivalence of biosimilars in oncology.

Dr. Borgen Discusses Axillary Node Dissection in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

August 7th 2018

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chairman of surgery, director of the Breast Cancer Program, Maimonides Medical Center, discusses axillary node dissection in patients with early-stage breast cancer.

Dr. Borgen on the Evolution of Breast Cancer Treatment

March 11th 2018

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chairman of surgery, director of the Breast Cancer Program, Maimonides Medical Center, and chair of the Miami Breast Cancer Conference, discusses the evolution of breast cancer treatment in recent years. Borgen shared his insight in an interview during the meeting.

Dr. Borgen on Surgical Versus Medical Treatment of Breast Cancer

November 5th 2015

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, chair, Department of Surgery, head, Brooklyn Cancer Center, Maimonides Medical Center, compares the efficacy of surgical versus medical treatment of patients with breast cancer.