ASCO Annual Meeting | Conference

Dr. Hainsworth on Selecting Therapy Based on Genetics

June 5th 2016

John D. Hainsworth, MD, co-founder; principal investigator, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, discusses the results of the MyPathway trial, which was an open-label, phase IIa umbrella basket study.

Dr. Cavo on Upfront ASCT in Multiple Myeloma

June 5th 2016

Michele Cavo, MD, professor, Seràgnoli Institute of Hematology Bologna University School of Medicine, discusses the results of the phase III EMN02/HO95 MM trial, which compared the efficacy of upfront autologous stem cell transplantation versus novel agent-based therapy for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma.

Nivolumab Survival Benefit Sustained in Long-Term NSCLC Outcomes

June 5th 2016

Two-year follow-up data showed sustained improvements in overall survival with nivolumab in pretreated patients with either nonsquamous or squamous non–small cell lung cancer in updated findings from the phase III CheckMate-057 and -017 trials.

Nivolumab Safe, Effective in Early Stage Glioblastoma Study

June 5th 2016

Single-agent nivolumab demonstrated encouraging signs of activity with a mild adverse event profile for patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.

Molecular Targeting Yields Responses in 12 Cancers in Off-Label Indications

June 5th 2016

Treating patients based on the presence of molecular abnormalities regardless of tumor type proved to be a promising strategy in an ongoing phase IIa umbrella basket study.

Large Study Gives Boost to Liquid Biopsy Testing for Mutations

June 5th 2016

The liquid biopsy testing method correlated closely with mutations described in databases and in some cases from tumor biopsies.

Patient-Driven Research Project Aims to Advance Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment

June 5th 2016

Researchers are hoping that a new nationwide effort to encourage patients to share their tumor samples and clinical information will lead to new discoveries and better treatments.

Combining Atezolizumab With OX40 Agonist Shows Promise in Solid Tumors

June 4th 2016

A combination regimen of the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab (Tecentriq) and the investigational OX40 agonist MOXR0916 was well tolerated and showed early signs of of antitumor activity in solid tumors.

Carfilzomib/Pomalidomide Regimen Warrants Further Investigation in Refractory Multiple Myeloma

June 4th 2016

A regimen consisting of carfilzomib, pomalidomide, and dexamethasone merits further investigation for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma whose disease progresses while on lenalidomide in the earlier stages of disease.

Nivolumab/Ipilimumab Combination Active in Recurrent SCLC

June 4th 2016

Treatment with the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab demonstrated a median overall survival of 7.7 months and a 1-year OS rate of 43% for patients with recurrent small cell lung cancer.

Study Confirms Adjuvant Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Is Beneficial and Well Tolerated

June 4th 2016

Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is beneficial and tolerable, and physicians should present it as an option to women who have had successful cytoreductive surgery for their advanced epithelial ovarian cancer.

Dr. Hochhaus on TFS With Nilotinib in Patients With CML

June 4th 2016

Andreas Hochhaus, MD, professor of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, interim head of the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, University Medical Center Jena in Germany, discusses results of the phase II ENESTFreedom study, which examined treatment-free survival (TFS) in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who received frontline nilotinib (Tasigna).

Abemaciclib Active Against HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer

June 4th 2016

The CDK4/6 inhibitor abemaciclib induced a response rate of nearly 20% in heavily pretreated patients with refractory, HR-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer, according to findings from the phase II MONARCH 1 trial.

Isatuximab Monotherapy Effective for Heavily Pretreated Myeloma

June 4th 2016

The anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody isatuximab showed promising signs of activity as a single-agent for patients with heavily pretreated relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.

Dr. Borghaei on 2-Year Findings With Nivolumab Vs Docetaxel in NSCLC

June 4th 2016

Hossein Borghaei, DO, chief, Thoracic Oncology, director, Lung Cancer Risk Assessment, associate professor, Department of Hematology/Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, discusses 2-year follow-up results of the CheckMate-017 and -057 studies, which compared the efficacy of nivolumab (Opdivo) versus docetaxel in patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Temozolomide Trial Shows Improved 5-Year Survival Rates in Anaplastic Glioma

June 4th 2016

Results from a phase III trial investigating the benefit of adjuvant temozolomide in combination with radiation therapy has the potential to be practice changing for a rare type of brain cancer.

Biosimilar Trastuzumab Matches Herceptin in Efficacy and Safety

June 4th 2016

A biosimilar version of trastuzumab demonstrated equivalent efficacy and safety to the FDA-approved branded drug in a randomized phase III study among patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

Capecitabine Combo Improves Survival in Resected Pancreatic Cancer

June 4th 2016

The addition of capecitabine to standard adjuvant gemcitabine doubled 5-year overall survival (OS) rates for patients with pancreatic cancer whose tumors were surgically removed.

A Look at This Year's ASCO Pipeline

June 1st 2016

Immunotherapy agents targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway will be the most robust area for news at the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting, but there will be much new data about recently approved and novel anticancer drugs for clinicians to digest.

6 Potential Practice-Changers Top Kantar's ASCO List

May 31st 2016

Research into 6 drugs scheduled to be presented during the upcoming 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting stand out as the most noteworthy abstracts on the docket this year because of their potential to influence clinical practice in the near future.