AUA Annual Meeting | Conference

Task Force PSA Recommendation Challenged Following Analysis

May 11th 2016

Major health policy implications follow findings from the landmark Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovary screening trial, after it was found that 80% of the control group reported at least one PSA test during the trial.

Liquid Imiquimod Formulation May Induce Immune Response in Bladder Cancer

May 11th 2016

TMX-101 (Vesimune), a liquid formulation of the toll-like receptor 7 agonist imiquimod, appeared safe and demonstrated preliminary clinical activity, including the potential to induce an immune response, in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.

Molecular Testing, New Biomarkers on Horizon for Immunotherapy in RCC

May 11th 2016

Mark Ball, MD, discusses the clinical, pathological, and genomic profiles of exceptional responders to anti–PD-1 therapy in renal cell carcinoma, the future of immunotherapy, and what significance genomic testing may hold.

Radium-223 Survival Benefit Unaffected by Prior Hormonal Therapy

May 20th 2015

Prior treatment with abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide did not alter the survival benefit seen with radium-223 in men with advanced castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Dr. Shore on the TERRAIN Trial for Prostate Cancer

May 20th 2015

Neal D. Shore, MD, FACS, medical director, Carolina Urologic Research Center, managing partner, Atlantic Urology Clinics, discusses the results of the TERRAIN trial.

Lower CV Event Rate With Degarelix Versus LHRH Agonist Irrespective of Baseline Risk

May 20th 2015

Prostate cancer patients with different baseline cardiovascular risk had similar reductions in cardiovascular event rates when treated with the LHRH antagonist degarelix versus an LHRH agonist.

Dr. Cooperberg on Using Antagonists for Hormonal Therapy in Prostate Cancer

May 19th 2015

Matthew Cooperberg, MD, genitourinary cancer specialist, University of California San Francisco, discusses the efficacy of using an antagonist with hormone therapy in prostate cancer.

Pembrolizumab Active in Advanced Urothelial Cancer

May 19th 2015

A fourth of patients with advanced urothelial cancer had objective responses to treatment with the immune checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab.

Combined Imaging Approach Effectively Detects Aggressive Prostate Cancer

May 18th 2015

The combination of multiparametric MRI with a fusion-guided biopsy (MRI plus ultrasound) was more effective at detecting aggressive prostate cancer compared with either procedure alone.

Proteoglycan Assay Shows Potential as Adjunct to PSA Measurement

May 18th 2015

A cell-surface proteoglycan found on prostate cancer cells but not normal prostate tissue demonstrated good specificity as a blood test for prostate cancer.

Sexual Function Scores Are Better After Robotic Versus Open Surgery for Prostate Cancer

May 18th 2015

Sexual function scores were better for patients who had a robotic compared with open surgery for prostate cancer; however, comparative results for urinary function were not conclusive.

Dr. Moul on Impact of Obesity in Active Surveillance

May 18th 2015

Judd W. Moul, MD, urologic oncologist, Duke Medicine, discusses a recent study that demonstrated the impact of obesity on active surveillance.

Dr. O'Neil on Superior Quality of Life After Robotic Prostatectomy

May 18th 2015

Brock O'Neil, MD, physician, instructor in urologic surgery, Vanderbilt University, discusses a study that demonstrated evidence of superior quality of life after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy.

'Chilling Effect' Seen After USPSTF Recommends Against Routine PSA Testing

May 17th 2015

Since the USPSTF guideline on PSA screening the overall rate of PSA testing decreased by 50% among primary care physicians at Oregon Health & Science University.

Urine Assay Shows Promise as Test for High-Grade Prostate Cancer

May 17th 2015

A urine assay that targets expression of exosomal messenger RNA demonstrated high negative predictive value for high-grade prostate cancer in a study that validates the emerging test as a tool to help determine whether patients need initial biopsies.

Enzalutamide Bests Bicalutamide in Two CRPC Studies

May 17th 2015

Enzalutamide significantly improved progression-free survival, PSA kinetics, and quality of life compared with bicalutamide in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Dr. Richards on Urinary Tract Infections Associated With Worse Bladder Cancer Outcomes

May 17th 2015

Kyle A. Richards, MD, assistant professor, University of Wisconsin, discusses the association between urinary tract infections (UTI) and worse bladder cancer outcomes in the Medicare population.

Dr. Brawer on Clinical Utility of CCP Test in Prostate Cancer

May 17th 2015

Michael Brawer, MD, vice president of Medical Affairs, Myriad Genetic Laboratories, discusses the clinical utility of the cell cycle progression (CCP) test in personalizing prostate cancer treatment.

Active Surveillance Protocols Needed for Prostate Cancer

May 16th 2015

As the AS strategy gains a foothold among urologists both here in the US and around the world, a study presented at the 110th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association suggests that among men in the US, very few are following the stringent protocol for AS that is recommended by major academic institutions.

Multiparametric MRI Avoids Many Biopsies, Misses a Few Cancers Compared With TRUS

May 16th 2015

Use of multiparametric MRI as follow-up to a suggestive PSA test or digital rectal exam reduced prostate biopsies by 73% but identified fewer prostate cancers compared with upfront transrectal ultrasound–guided biopsy, a decision-tree analysis showed.