June 2007 | Oncology Live®

ePrescribing: What to Look For

February 19, 2008

Research studies published in JAMA and by the Institute of Medicine demonstrate that prescription errors account for a staggering number of deaths and adverse drug reactions in the US.

Split Personalities: It Takes Two to Tango

February 19, 2008

MDNG spoke with Neal Goldman, MD, assistant professor, department of otolaryngology, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, to learn how he juggles practicing both...

And the Organ Goes to...

February 19, 2008

End-stage organ failure is a growing problem in the US, due in part to the fact that the number of available donor organs is lagging far behind the number of people (approximately 96,000...

20 Top Websites for Docs

June 11, 2007

The Internet is a seemingly endless source of medical information. With a couple of mouse clicks, we can easily access useful resources, such as specialty medical websites, PDA downloads, online...