October 2007 | Oncology Live®

Fantasy Flippin' Football

February 13, 2008

Fantasy football also has me all twisted up inside every year because of my NFL team allegiances. I'm a Giants fan, and yet I'll pick a player from a rival team (the Eagles' McNabb and then ROOT...

Is It Time to Upgrade to Microsoft Vista?

February 13, 2008

Lately, people have been asking me if they should upgrade their computer to the new Microsoft Windows Vista operating system (OS). Unless you recently bought a new computer preloaded with Vista...

Pharma Tech: Eli Lilly and Company

February 13, 2008

The PharmaTech section highlights online information and educational resources created by leading pharmaceutical companies. This month, we spotlight several resources from Eli Lilly and Company.

The Results Are In: The PDA is Here to Stay

February 12, 2008

Might PDAs soon go the way of the dodo bird? It sure looks like it, at least according to a blog posted to the Ars Technica website on August 13, titled "PDA Sales Drop by 40 Percent in a Single...