September 2007 | Oncology Live®

Hi, I'm a PC... and I'm a Mac

February 13, 2008

We've all seen the series of commercials pitting Apple against the PC, and although I admit they're clever and bring up some good points, I'd like to set the record straight and say that I will...

What Pay for What Performance?

February 13, 2008

Pay for Performance (P4P) is all the rage in Congress and among employers, insurance companies, some patient advocacy groups, and certain headquarters of organized medicine. P4P currently utilizes...

Good Tech Help Is Not So Hard to Find

February 13, 2008

A few months ago, one of my friends experienced the misery of a complete computer meltdown. He installed a software program and then everything crashed; he couldn't even get his computer to boot up.

Mobile Devices Provide Security

February 13, 2008

As healthcare organizations strive to comply with privacy and data requirements, they are increasingly looking to identify and implement remote access control solutions. These are necessary...

Illustrated: Death of the Steth?

February 13, 2008

Although stethoscopes have been around for nearly two centuries (Laennec invented the first model in 1816; it looked like a wooden trumpet), at first glance it would seem that not much has changed...

Wired for Success: Practices Prosper by Going Paperless

February 13, 2008

Walk into the practice of family physician John Wilson, MD, in Daly City, CA, and you'll notice something unusual: It's a tiny space. Wilson uses just half of a 1,000-square-foot office for his solo..