Vol. 18/No. 05 | Oncology Live®

The Clinician’s Power

March 18, 2017

As cancer therapy becomes increasingly high tech, it is often easy to overlook the contributions that individual oncologists make to advancements in the eld simply by being top-notch clinicians who are observant and concerned about their patients.

OX40 Agonists Forge a Path in Combination Immunotherapy

March 02, 2017

Promising reports of preclinical and early clinical data in 2016 are poised to further boost the development of rational combinations of OX40 agonists with checkpoint immunotherapies, surgical resection, radiotherapy, and even the potential for 3-drug cocktails.

Genomic Advances Pave the Way for New Therapies in AML

March 01, 2017

In an OncLive Peer Exchange® panel, experts discussed novel cytotoxic and targeted agents in the pipeline that are likely to provide new options for treating certain individuals with acute myeloid leukemia.

Patient-Derived Cancer Stem Cells Offer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential in Brain Cancer

March 01, 2017

A brain tumor research group at the UW Carbone Cancer Center focuses on biological studies of patient-derived glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cancer stem cells, combined with analysis of patient-matched serum-cultured GBM and an annotated GBM tissue microarray, to identify clinically relevant biomarkers.

Antibody-Drug Conjugate Under Study in Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer

February 28, 2017

A novel targeted therapy, mirvetuximab soravtansine (IMGN853), is being investigated as a single-agent treatment for patients with advanced, platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian cancer with medium and high expression levels of folate receptor-alpha in an effort to provide an effective option for a population facing a difficult prognosis.

Combos Mark Next Step in Melanoma Immunotherapy

February 27, 2017

Evidence continues to build for the long-term efficacy of PD-1-targeting immunotherapies in melanoma, including fresh data indicating when patients can stop taking the drugs and still maintain a response.