Vol. 19/No. 9 | Oncology Live®

Persistence and the Quest for Innovation Guided a Radiotherapy Pioneer

May 07, 2018

Herman D. Suit, MD, MSc, PhD, a leader in the field of radiation oncology whose innovations lessened the need for radical surgery and improved outcomes for patients, was honored in the Radiation Oncology category with a 2017 Giants of Cancer Care® award.

Promising Umbralisib Combinations Tested in NHL Subtypes

May 03, 2018

The phase IIb UNITY-NHL clinical trial is exploring the novel drug umbralisib as monotherapy or as part of a doublet or a triplet. The doublet includes ublituximab and the triplet includes ublituximab and bendamustine.

All Is Not Well in the World of Academic Scientific Enterprise

April 28, 2018

It is quite difficult for those not directly involved in the complex world of academic medicine to understand fully the process of individual professional advancement and the values that organizations place on the components required for achieving and maintaining tenure.