Vol. 21/No. 8 | Oncology Live®

Study Tests Novel Doublet Designed to Promote Immunity in cSCC

April 13, 2020

Investigators are testing the hypothesis that administering cetuximab with an anti–PD-L1 agent will induce immunostimulatory synergy and prolong survival in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Palliative Care Study Suggests Benefits for Patients With Cervical Cancer

April 09, 2020

Alexandra S. Bercow, MD, discusses the implications of research showing that patients with advanced-stage cervical cancer who received palliative care consultations underwent the same level of treatment but had shorter, less acute, and fewer hospital stays than their counterparts who were not given such referrals.

New Frontier for Genomics: Radiotherapy in Early Breast Cancer

April 08, 2020

By individualizing risk of locoregional recurrence and radiosensitivity with molecular subtyping/genomic classifiers, it is hoped that use and/or extent of adjuvant radiation therapy could be tailored in early-stage breast cancer.

Unique Aspects of Cancer Surgery Make Clinical Trials Challenging

April 07, 2020

The conduct of randomized trials in surgical oncology, although highly appealing in concept, may be problematic, especially in complex settings where the skills, experience, and clinical judgment of individual surgeons and their institutions may vary greatly.

Fresh Options Are Emerging for Relapsed DLBCL

April 07, 2020

Although considerable progress has been made in treating diffuse large B-cell lymphoma since the advent of chemoimmunotherapy, approximately 33% of patients still develop relapsed/refractory disease, which is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality.

Controversy Surrounds Treatment of High-Risk Smoldering Myeloma

April 06, 2020

A cure concept has not yet been established for asymptomatic and untreated patients with high-risk smoldering myeloma, and debate needs to be initiated surrounding how these patients can be treated sustainably while also taking into account their age, comorbidities, fitness, personal preference, and adverse events of the therapeutic agents.