June 2013 | Oncology Live Urologists in Cancer Care®

Taking Care of Business: Regional Urology Offers Consistent Care Despite Tumultuous Times

August 22, 2013

Change may not always be pleasant, but it is inevitable, and nowhere has that been more evident recently than in US healthcare; however, for the physicians at Regional Urology in Shreveport, Louisiana, these changes are really just business as usual.

Data Support Safety and Benefit of Chemotherapy Before Radical Cystectomy

August 14, 2013

Preoperative chemotherapy was not a predictor of postoperative complications, nor did it increase the length of hospital stays or surgical complications among patients undergoing radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

Isoform Test Tops PSA, fPSA for Cancer Detection

August 02, 2013

An assay based on a prostate-specific antigen isoform performed significantly better than did conventional PSA measures for detecting prostate cancer and identifying histopathologically aggressive cancers.