Dr. Bauer on Rovalpituzumab Tesirine in Patients With SCLC

Todd Bauer, MD, associate director, Drug Development, principal investigator, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, discusses the safety and efficacy of single-agent rovalpituzumab tesirine (Rova-T), a delta-like protein 3 (DLL3)-targeted antibody-drug conjugate in recurrent/refractory patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC).

Todd Bauer, MD, associate director, Drug Development, principal investigator, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, discusses the safety and efficacy of single-agent rovalpituzumab tesirine (Rova-T), a delta-like protein 3-targeted antibody-drug conjugate in recurrent/refractory patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC).

This agent is designed to have a novel approach in that it targets a specific receptor on top of cancer and stem cells prior to releasing a potent chemotherapeutic, Bauer explains. Data show that the agent can be administered safely. Additionally, after receiving a couple doses of treatment, patients are able to take a treatment holiday. If/when disease recurs, treatment can resume, he says.

This antibody-drug conjugate does not release its chemotherapeutic until it reaches the SCLC cells, Bauer adds. When this occurs, the cancer cells internalize and cell death takes place.