Dr. Concepcion Discusses Urologists Treating Cancer

Dr. Raoul Concepcion, from Urology Associates, PC, Discusses Urologists Treating Cancer.

Raoul S. Concepcion, MD, editor-in-chief, Urologists in Cancer Care, Director of Clinical Research, Urologic Surgeon, Urology Associates, PC, Nashville, TN, explains that over the past few years multiple new therapies have become available that are well suited for a urologist to deliver for the treatment of cancers.

Concepcion believes that the number of new therapies becoming available that urologists are able to administer will only continue to increase. Additionally, many of these new therapies have fewer side effects and may not require changes in the way that practices are set up, since many are oral therapies. The most recent explosion in new therapies has taken place in advanced prostate cancer, but Concepcion believes this paradigm will remain true for both kidney and bladder cancer.

Many urologists are well adapted to providing the management and treatment needed for many advanced urologic cancers, Concepcion stresses. However, the idea of urologists treating cancer represents a change in how treatment has traditionally been delivered and may still need to be embraced by some as a potentially beneficial opportunity.