Dr. El-Rayes on the Efficacy of Tidutamab in Advanced NETs

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Conference | NANETS Symposium

Bassel El-Rayes, MD, discusses the efficacy of tidutamab in advanced neuroendocrine tumors.

Bassel El-Rayes, MD, director, Gastrointestinal Oncology Program, associate director for clinical research, John Kauffman Family Professor for Pancreatic Cancer Research, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, professor and vice chair for clinical research, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Emory University School of Medicine, discusses the efficacy of tidutamab in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). 

The results of an ongoing phase 1 first-in-human study of tidutamab, which were presented during the 2021 NANETS Symposium, demonstrated that the bispecific antibody directed toward somatostatin receptor 2 and CD3 was generally well tolerated and elicited 26.8% rate of stable disease in evaluable patients with advanced NETs.

The primary objective of the study was to determine the recommended phase 2 dose of tidutamab while exploring the safety of the drug as well, El-Rayes explains. Moreover, the trial was able to determine a recommended phase 2 dose and demonstrated the safety of the molecule with the ability to administer it safely to patients, El-Rayes says. Investigators found that immune activation does happen with the bispecific antibody, El-Rayes adds. 

Moreover, investigators observed stable disease ​as best responses but did not observe any partial or complete responses with tidutamab, El-Rayes continues. However, some of the stable disease responses were prolonged, indicating that there may be a signal of activity with the agent in this patient population, El-Rayes concludes.