Dr. Mesa on Data With Momelotinib in Transfusion Independence Responders in Myelofibrosis

Ruben A. Mesa, MD, discusses results seen with momelotinib in patients with transfusion-independent myelofibrosis, as demonstrated in the phase 3 SIMPLIFY-1 and SIMPLIFY-2 trials.

Ruben A. Mesa, MD, director of the Mays Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses results seen with momelotinib (formerly, GS-0387) in patients with transfusion-independent myelofibrosis, as demonstrated in the phase 3 SIMPLIFY-1 (NCT01969838) and SIMPLIFY-2 (NCT02101268) trials.

Results from the SIMPLIFY-1 study, which examined the agent vs ruxolitinib (Jakafi), demonstrated that in the week 24 transfusion independent responder subgroup, those who were randomized to receive momelotinib had 3-year overall survival (OS) advantage, according to Mesa. The 3-year OS rate for these patients was 80%, which was highly statistically significant, Mesa says. 

Additionally, in the SIMPLIFY-2 study, which examined momelotinib vs best available therapy, there was also a strong trend towards improvement in survival for the transfusion-independent responder arm, Mesa notes. Importantly, these trials help to demonstrate that transfusion independence has a significant correlation with improvement in survival, Mesa concludes.