Dr. Robert on Evaluating Trends in Biomarker Testing in Metastatic NSCLC

Nicholas Robert, MD, discusses the importance of evaluating trends in biomarker testing in metastatic non–small cell lung cancer.

Nicholas Robert, MD, medical director, Health Economic Outcomes Research/Health Informatics, McKesson Subspeciality Health, US Oncology, discusses the importance of evaluating trends in biomarker testing in metastatic non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

With the FDA approvals of several targeted therapies for patients with metastatic NSCLC, it is becoming increasingly important to identify molecular drivers for lung cancer throughbiomarker testing, Robert says. During the 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer, findings of a pragmatic study from the Molecularly Informed Lung Cancer Treatment in a Community Cancer Network (MYLUNG) Consortium™ were presented. The goal of the study was to retrospectively evaluate real-world trends in molecular testing rates and assays used across United States–based patients with metastatic NSCLC treated in The US Oncology Network, Robert adds.

The next step of this research is to conduct the prospective protocol 3 of MYLUNG, which will evaluate interventions to improve timely and comprehensive biomarker testing, Robert concludes.