Dr. Rule on Rituximab Biosimilar Use in the UK

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the use of biosimilars in the United Kingdom for the treatment of cancer.

Simon Rule, MD, PhD, professor of hematology, Plymouth University Medical School, United Kingdom, discusses the use of biosimilars in the United Kingdom (UK) for the treatment of cancer.

In the UK, there is an approved biosimilar for rituximab (Truxima; Napp), which Rule says has taken over the entire market. This is because it is 43% cheaper than the reference rituximab product. The trials for this biosimilar showed equivalence as was required by the regulators. There are multiple biosimilars for rituximab expected to enter the market in the UK.

Since this biosimilar has been approved, Rule says that when he prescribes rituximab he does not have a choice, it will always be the less expensive rituximab biosimilar. He adds that he does not have a problem with this, as long as the biosimilar has been proven to be safe.

Rule says that it is important to note that American rituximab is different from European rituximab, based on the way they have evolved in the separate health systems.