Dr. Tap on Future Research Efforts in Sarcoma

William D. Tap, MD, discusses future research efforts in sarcoma.

William D. Tap, MD, chief of the Sarcoma Medical Oncology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, discusses future research efforts in sarcoma.

​Understanding how current therapies can be further evaluated, as well as collaborating with musculoskeletal radiologists to determine new response parameters, will be important research efforts that could advance the sarcoma space, says Tap.

Additionally, working with health outcome researchers and patients to develop new patient-reported outcome​s for specific sarcoma subtypes could aid in understand​ing how different courses of therapy affect patients, ​says Tap.

Finally, solidifying strong connections with pharmaceutical ​companies and international sarcoma communities could help unify the field to implement more pivotal, randomized, phase 3 clinical trials, Tap concludes.