Dr. Terashima on Future of Bursectomy and Omentectomy for Gastric Cancer

Masanori Terashima, MD, PhD, FACS, Shizuoka Cancer Center, chairman of the Japanese Clinical Oncology Group, discusses the future of bursectomy and omentectomy for patients with gastric cancer.

Masanori Terashima, MD, PhD, FACS, Shizuoka Cancer Center, chairman of the Japanese Clinical Oncology Group, discusses the future of bursectomy and omentectomy for patients with gastric cancer.

The role of bursectomy has been controversial for many years, explains Terashima. Bursectomy is not beneficial to overall survival in patients with gastric cancer to make gastro-omentectomy become a standard of care.

Laparoscopic and robotic gastrectomy is becoming increasingly more popular as well, but both are risky and complicated procedures, says Terashima. Further research is needed to make these treatments safer for patients.