Andrew D. Smith


Quest Diagnostics Launches New BRCA 1/2 Test

December 2nd 2013

Quest Diagnostics, a business founded 46 years ago in a medical resident's two-room apartment, has parlayed the exponential subsequent growth in medical testing into an operation worth $8.5 billion.

Subgroup Analyses Show Depth of Everolimus Benefit in BOLERO-2

November 15th 2013

New analyses of the BOLERO-2 trial found that everolimus and exemestane produced significantly longer progression-free survival than placebo and exemestane in several previously unstudied patient subgroups.

Infinity Has High Hopes for PI3K Inhibitor

November 7th 2013

Infinity Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Massachusetts, began its efforts to produce innovative cancer treatments 12 years ago.

Can Foundation Medicine Break Away From the Genomic Testing Pack?

October 29th 2013

Choosing what tests to order for each patient's cancer and then collecting individual samples for those tests has become complex and time consuming-which is why Foundation Medicine expects a big market for FoundationOne.

Big Moment for Nanotech: Oncology Therapeutics Poised for a Leap

July 2nd 2013

The translation of scientific advances in nanotechnology into cancer therapies, in vitro assays, and imaging tools is poised for takeoff, amid fresh excitement among investors and a mushrooming of findings from leading research institutions.

Targeting Tumors Early: Trials Push Novel Agents to Forefront

February 11th 2013

New discoveries about tumor biology suggest to many researchers that targeted therapies, when used in appropriate early-stage patients, might significantly boost cure rates and extend lives.

Grappling With the Genome: Cancer Centers Approach Puzzle in Different Ways

June 11th 2012

As the cost of sequencing and analyzing genetic data continues to fall, the nation's leading cancer centers keep unveiling ambitious new clinical programs and research projects that will change the way every cancer specialist practices.

Looking Forward: Experts Discuss Exciting Trends in 2012 Oncology Drug Pipeline

February 10th 2012

Pharmaceutical companies are investing billions of dollars and have more than 900 cancer medications in the pipelines.

From Warfare to Mainstay: Mustard Derivatives Play Evolving Role in Cancer Therapy

January 9th 2012

Mustard derivatives' potent lethality has ensured its descendents a place in oncology treatment regimens today, even amid advances in targeted therapies.

PERSONALIZED CANCER CARE5 Key Areas Where Biomarkers Point the Way to Personalized Care

August 22nd 2011

Biological markers that help clinicians choose which treatment options to pursue for particular patients are attracting increased research interest.

5 Abstracts Offer Snapshot of Immunology Research

July 15th 2011

The field of immunotherapy is brimming with questions that researchers are working to answer, and many of those efforts were on display at the ASCO annual meeting.

Smart Moves? E-patient Systems Rise Amid Skepticism

June 16th 2011

During the past 20 years, disease management systems have mushroomed in medicine

From Rockets to Radiology: How NASA Boosts Cancer Research

April 27th 2011

The technology that enables astronomers to detect eversmaller objects across evergreater distances through ever-heavier interference has found a ready audience among researchers dreaming of adapting it for cancer detection