Benjamin H. Lowentritt, MD, FACS, Chesapeake Urology


nmCRPC: Clinical Trial Data on AR Inhibitors

March 29th 2023

Shared insight on the SPARTAN, PROSPER, and ARAMIS studies with androgen receptor (AR) inhibitors in non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Goals of Treatment for Non-metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

March 29th 2023

Expert oncologists provide a focused review on goals of therapy for patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC).

Key Unmet Needs in Prostate Cancer Management

March 22nd 2023

Before centering discussion on subsets of prostate cancer, panelists consider general challenges and unmet needs within the treatment landscape.

Recent Progress in the Prostate Cancer Treatment Landscape

March 22nd 2023

Key opinion leaders provide a broad perspective on recent shifts in the treatment landscape for prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Imaging: Unmet Needs and Knowledge Gaps

March 3rd 2023

Medical oncologist Tian Zhang, MD, outlines the remaining unmet needs and knowledge gaps surrounding imaging of prostate cancer.

Breakthroughs in Imaging Modalities for Prostate Cancer

March 3rd 2023

Five expert panelists in prostate cancer consider how recent advances in imaging, particularly PSMA-PET, have impacted the field, and highlight guidelines that may aid clinicians in selecting amongst the available imaging modalities.

Patient-Reported Outcomes and Changes in PSA in Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated With Apalutamide in the SPARTAN and TITAN Studies

March 15th 2022

Expert urologist Benjamin Lowentritt, MD, reviews advanced prostate cancer data from the SPARTAN and TITAN studies comparing patient-reported outcomes to changes in PSA.

Attainment of Early, Deep Prostate-Specific Antigen Response in mCSPC: A Comparison of Patients Initiated on Apalutamide or Enzalutamide

March 8th 2022

Expert urologist Benjamin Lowentritt, MD, reviews trial data comparing PsA response achieved with apalutamide versus enzalutamide in patients with castration-sensitive prostate cancer.

Dr. Lowentritt on a Real-World Analysis of Apalutamide and Enzalutamide in mCSPC

February 23rd 2022

Benjamin H. Lowentritt, MD, FACS, discusses the real-world analysis of apalutamide and enzalutamide in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer.

Emerging Therapies for Advanced Prostate Cancer

July 9th 2020

Radium-223 in Metastatic CRPC

July 9th 2020

Genetic Testing in Metastatic CRPC

July 9th 2020

Impact of Clinical Data on the Treatment of mCRPC

July 9th 2020

The CARD and PROfound Trials for Metastatic CRPC

July 9th 2020

Differences Between AR-Targeted Therapy in Prostate Cancer

July 9th 2020

Overall Survival Data Presented at ASCO 2020 for nmCRPC

July 9th 2020

FDA Approved Agents for Non-Metastatic CRPC

July 9th 2020

Clinical Trials in the Community Setting for Prostate Cancer

July 9th 2020

Data for Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

July 9th 2020

Conventional Versus PSMA Imaging in Prostate Cancer

July 9th 2020