Beth Fand Incollingo


Yoga Lessens Fatigue and Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors

March 27th 2014

Breast cancer survivors who took two yoga classes a week for 3 months after treatment were less fatigued and demonstrated less systemic inflammation than their counterparts who did not take the classes

Hospital Admissions and Rectal Procedures are More Common After Radiotherapy Than Prostatectomy

March 18th 2014

Men with clinically localized prostate cancer who were treated with radiotherapy were more likely, over the subsequent 5 years, to be admitted to a hospital, undergo rectal, anal, or open surgical procedures, or develop secondary malignancies than men treated with radical prostatectomy

Continue Screening for PSA But Treat Judiciously

March 17th 2014

Screening for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) significantly cuts the death rate from prostate cancer, so America's medical community should continue to offer the test to appropriate men, but at the same time should work harder to avoid the screen's potential pitfalls.

7th Annual IPCC to Advance Multidisciplinary Care for Prostate Cancer

March 14th 2014

Insights about PSA screening, genomics, and what's new in the areas of imaging, antiandrogen therapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and radiopharmaceuticals will be offered during the 7th Annual IPCC.

Brisk Walking May Lower Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness

March 11th 2014

Brisk walking helps normalize the shape of vessels in prostate cancer tumors, which may make the tumors less aggressive and more responsive to anti-cancer therapies

Canadian Breast Screening Study Reignites Controversy Over Mammograms

March 7th 2014

The large Canadian study that has caused a stir by indicating that mammograms are of no use in women aged 40 to 59 years, and in fact can lead to over-diagnosis of breast cancer, is flawed and misleading

Sipuleucel-T Soon Available to Patients in Europe and Beyond

March 3rd 2014

An immunotherapy drug for the treatment of prostate cancer, approved in the US in 2010, will soon be available in Europe.

Some With Micropapillary Urothelial Carcinoma May Benefit From HER2-Targeted Treatment

February 27th 2014

Some patients with micropapillary urothelial carcinoma face a three-fold risk of cancer death because their disease amplifies HER2 and overexpresses its protein product, and there may be a role for treatment of the condition with HER2- targeted agent trastuzumab, which has vastly increased the odds of survival for eligible patients with breast cancer.

Adding Epidural to Anesthesia During Prostatectomy May Improve Long-Term Outcomes in Men With PC

February 24th 2014

Long-term outcomes for patients with prostate cancer following radical prostatectomy were better when a spinal or epidural pain block was added to general anesthesia during the surgery.

Six Targeted Agents for CLL Command Spotlight at ASH

February 10th 2014

A crop of targeted agents have demonstrated promising results in fighting chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), suggesting that a range of emerging therapies and drug combinations may be more effective and better tolerated than standard chemotherapy

Adding Chemotherapy to ADT Improves Survival in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

February 5th 2014

Administering chemotherapy concurrently with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), rather than saving cytotoxic treatment until after progression, improves overall survival for men with hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer

Clinical Trial Changes Needed to Improve Outcomes in Stage III NSCLC

February 4th 2014

Treatment of stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery has hit a plateau, and the key to improved outcomes will hinge on the testing of targeted therapies in clinical trials with more novel designs and better patient selection, according to a leading researcher.

Role of Corticosteroids Unclear for Men With mCRPC

January 31st 2014

Prednisone, when used in concert with other therapies for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, does not raise the risk for severe toxicities, nor does it affect overall survival.

Pre-Chemo Enzalutamide OS Benefit in mCRPC Reaches Nearly 30%

January 28th 2014

The androgen-receptor blocker enzalutamide (Xtandi) improves survival by nearly 30% in chemotherapy-naïve men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and delays progression of their disease by more than 80%

Five Ways the ACA Will Affect Urology Practices: Insights from a health policy expert

January 24th 2014

Organization into large group practices will be a key way for urologists to successfully navigate a healthcare system that continues to be fraught with an enormous amount of change, a keynote speaker said during LUGPA's annual meeting in Chicago in November.

Low Serum Albumin Before Surgery is Predictor of Complications Following Radical Cystectomy

January 15th 2014

Poor nutritional status-specifically, a low level of serum albumin-is a predictor of complications following radical cystectomy for patients with bladder cancer

Combined Vaccines Improve Survival in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

January 14th 2014

Combining two specific anti-cancer vaccines, rather than administering one as monotherapy, doubles the 1-year survival probability in patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), according to the results of a phase II study presented January 14.

Tasquinimod Improves OS, PFS in CRPC, Data Show

January 9th 2014

Tasquinimod, an experimental immunotherapy and anti-angiogenic agent, prolongs not just progression-free survival (PFS) but also overall survival (OS) in certain men with castration-resistant prostate cancer

Angiogenesis-Targeting Agents Poised to Become a Mainstay of Gynecologic Cancer Treatment

January 3rd 2014

Antiangiogenic agents hold promise in gynecologic cancers, as evidenced by their single-agent activity in malignancies including ovarian cancer, recurrent endometrial cancer, and cervical cancer.

Hot Flash Treatments That Help Women Fail to Benefit Androgen-Deprived Men

December 20th 2013

Men who experience hot flashes because they are undergoing androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer are not significantly helped by two treatments that alleviate that symptom in menopausal women, the results of a study show.