Brandon Scalea


Personalized Therapy Becoming Reality in Pancreatic Cancer

October 19th 2018

Diana L. Hanna, MD, discusses the past, present, and future of treatment for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Optimal Sequencing Key Next Step for HCC Paradigm

October 18th 2018

Anthony B. El-Khoueiry, MD, discusses the promising hepatocellular carcinoma treatment paradigm.

Zonder Addresses Unanswered Questions in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma

October 10th 2018

Jeffrey A. Zonder, MD, discusses triplet regimens in multiple myeloma and patient eligibility for clinical trials.

Expert Discusses Ongoing CAR T-Cell Research in Myeloma

October 9th 2018

Nina Shah, MD, discusses the present and future of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in myeloma.

Expert Explains Latest Advances in Hodgkin Lymphoma, MCL

October 9th 2018

Chaitra S. Ujjani, MD, discusses the latest progress in both Hodgkin lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma.

Ongoing Efforts Seek to Refine, Expand CAR T-Cell Therapy

October 8th 2018

Brian Till, MD, discusses the rapidly evolving field of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells.

Expert Discusses Transplant and Emerging Strategies in Myeloma

October 5th 2018

Thomas G. Martin, MD, discusses the clinical utility of autologous stem cell transplantation and the rapidly evolving treatment paradigm of myeloma.

Frontline Options Evolving in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma

October 5th 2018

Bita Fakhri, MD, MPH, shares her insight on the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.

Prostate Cancer Paradigm Progresses, But Unanswered Questions Remain

October 4th 2018

Randy F. Sweis, MD, discusses recent progress and next steps in the prostate cancer paradigm.

Link Lends Insight on Progress, Challenges in Pediatric Cancer

October 3rd 2018

Michael Link, MD, a 2018 Giant of Cancer Care® in Pediatric Oncology, discusses the exciting progress being made for various pediatric tumors.

Cell-Free DNA Sequencing Could Help Early Detection of Lung Cancer

September 27th 2018

Geoffrey R. Oxnard, MD, discusses the promise of genome-wide sequencing in cell-free DNA.

Expert Shares Insight on Impact of Bone Marrow Transplant on MDS Paradigm

September 27th 2018

Joseph Uberti, MD, PhD, discusses the risk and benefit of a bone marrow transplant for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome.

Weber Highlights Potency of Adjuvant Nivolumab in Melanoma

September 27th 2018

Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD, discusses the promise of nivolumab in this setting and a general overview of the melanoma treatment landscape.

Recent Data Support TKI Discontinuation in Patients With CML

September 24th 2018

Kendra Sweet, MD, sheds light on data regarding treatment discontinuation and how they impact patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.

Wakelee Highlights Latest Treatment Strategies in EGFR+ NSCLC

September 22nd 2018

Heather Wakelee, MD, shares insight on emerging treatment strategies in EGFR–positive non–small cell lung cancer.

Biosimilar Pipeline Continues to Offer Hope of Greater Access in Oncology

September 20th 2018

Elisavet Paplomata, MD, discusses the potential of biosimilars to help control costs and increase global access to oncology care.

Expert Addresses Advances and Challenges in Myeloma

September 20th 2018

Andrew Kin, MD, shares his insight on the treatment landscape for multiple myeloma and the challenges that remain.

Expert Addresses Oncology Costs, Potential Impact of Biosimilars

September 19th 2018

Lee S. Rosen, MD, FACP, discusses the benefits of bevacizumab and how biosimilars could change the field.

CAR T Cells Could Provide Curative Strategies in Myeloma

September 17th 2018

Deepu Madduri, MD, discusses the role of CAR T-cell therapy and other novel treatment options for patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.

Apalutamide Maintains Health-Related QoL in Nonmetastatic CRPC

September 17th 2018

Fred Saad, MD, discusses the clinical significance of the SPARTAN trial, the HRQoL data, and remaining steps in the treatment of patients with nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.