David Miklos, MD, Stanford University


LDH and ECOG Performance Tests

July 2nd 2020

Liso-cel Therapy in R/R Large B-Cell Lymphoma

July 2nd 2020

The Importance of Antigen Loss in R/R Disease

July 2nd 2020

R/R Large B-Cell Therapy in Managing Various Lymphomas

July 2nd 2020

CAR T-Cell Therapy in Managing Various Lymphomas

July 2nd 2020

Rationale for Further Development of CAR T-Cell therapy

July 2nd 2020

Dr. Miklos on Development Process for KTE-X19 in MCL

May 20th 2020

David Miklos, MD, discusses the process of developing KTE-X19 and the ZUMA-2 trial in mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Miklos on Alternative Options to KTE-X19 in MCL, While Awaiting FDA Decision

May 7th 2020

David Miklos, MD, discusses alternative options to the investigational CAR T-cell therapy KTE-X19 for patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma, while awaiting a regulatory decision from the FDA.

Dr. Miklos on Anticipated Sequencing Challenges With KTE-X19 in MCL

May 4th 2020

David Miklos, MD, discusses anticipated sequencing challenges with the investigational CAR T-cell therapy KTE-X19 in mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Miklos on the Safety Profile of KTE-X19 in MCL

April 2nd 2020

David Miklos, MD, discusses the safety profile of KTE-X19 in mantle cell lymphoma.

Dr. Miklos on the Results of the ZUMA-2 Trial in MCL

March 18th 2020

David Miklos, MD, discusses the results of the phase II ZUMA-2 trial with KTE-X19 in mantle cell lymphoma.