Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD


Summary of Unmet Needs and Future Directions in MDS

March 9th 2023

Experts close by summarizing key advances and remaining unmet needs across all MDS risk groups, and share their hopes for the future.

MDS/MPN-RS-T Overlap Syndromes

March 9th 2023

A brief discussion centered on MDS/MPN-RS-T overlap syndromes, considerations for diagnosis, available treatment options, and updates in the space.

Recent Data Updates in Higher-Risk MDS

March 2nd 2023

The panelists touch on emerging data in the higher-risk MDS space, including updates presented at ASH 2022.

Higher-Risk MDS: First- and Second-Line Therapies and Case 3 Presentation/Discussion

March 2nd 2023

The panel turns their focus to higher-risk MDS, starting with a discussion of first- and second-line treatment options, followed by a third and final case presentation and discussion led by Dr Platzbecker.

Emerging Therapies for Lower-Risk MDS

February 24th 2023

Expert hematologic oncologists discuss updates from the ASH 2022 Annual Meeting on emerging therapies for lower-risk MDS.

Luspatercept in Lower-Risk MDS

February 24th 2023

Following the ASH 2022 Annual Meeting, experts in hematologic oncology review updated data for luspatercept in lower-risk MDS.

First- and Second-Line Treatment Options in Lower-Risk MDS

February 24th 2023

Hematologic oncology experts give an overview of first- and second-line treatment options for lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes.

Additional Updates in Second-Line Treatment of Lower-Risk MDS

February 23rd 2023

Experts summarize recent updates on other approved or emerging second-line therapies for lower-risk MDS.

MEDALIST Trial Updates: ASH 2022 and EHA 2022

February 23rd 2023

Dr Komrokji presents key data updates from the MEDALIST trial on luspatercept in patients with lower-risk MDS that were presented at the 2022 European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress and the 2022 ASH Annual Meeting.

Case 2 Discussion and Considerations for Second-Line Treatment Selection

February 16th 2023

The panelists discuss Dr Cluzeau’s presented case, emphasizing the importance of pathology reporting, and expand upon approaches to second-line treatment selection for patients with MDS-RS.

Case 2 Presentation: Lower-Risk MDS-RS With an SF3B1 Mutation

February 16th 2023

Dr Cluzeau introduces a second patient case of lower-risk MDS-RS with an SF3B1 mutation and symptomatic anemia, who received a first-line erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) and second-line luspatercept.

The Impact of p53 Mutations and 5q Deletions on Lower-Risk MDS Treatment Response

February 9th 2023

Dr Komrokji leads a discussion on emerging data on how p53 mutations and chromosome 5q deletions may affect prognosis, treatment response, and outcomes for patients with MDS.

Case 1: Expert Panelist Commentary

February 9th 2023

Expert panelists reflect on the case presented by Dr Garcia-Manero and share their unique perspectives on how they might have approached treatment and followup for this patient in their own practice.

Case 1 Presentation: Lower-Risk MDS with Multiple Chromosomal Abnormalities

February 2nd 2023

Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD presents a case of lower-risk MDS with chromosome 5q and 20q deletions and a p53 mutation, and discusses first- and second-line treatment selection.

Second-Line Treatment Options for Lower-Risk MDS

February 2nd 2023

Dr Platzbecker outlines available second-line therapies for symptomatic anemia in patients with lower-risk MDS, highlighting differences in availability between the United States and Europe.

First-Line Treatment Options for Lower-Risk MDS

January 26th 2023

Thomas Cluzeau, MD, PhD provides an overview of first-line treatment options for symptomatic anemia in patients with lower-risk MDS, followed by a discussion of panelists’ treatment patterns and dosing strategies across the globe.

Considerations for MDS Pathology and Risk Status Reporting

January 26th 2023

A focused discussion on best practices for MDS pathology and risk status reporting in both community and academic center settings.

Tools for Risk Stratification and Prognosis in MDS

January 18th 2023

Uwe Platzbecker, MD introduces models commonly used to determine risk status and prognosis, and inform treatment decisions, for patients with MDS.

MDS: Typical Patient Presentation, Diagnostic Process, and Evolving Terminology

January 18th 2023

Moderator Rami Komrokji, MD, introduces the panel and invites expert pathologist Sanam Loghavi, MD to lead a discussion on the typical patient presentation and diagnostic process in MDS, which was recently renamed as ‘myelodysplastic neoplasms’ in the 2022 5th edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of the disease state.

Dr. Garcia-Manero on Curing Patients With MDS and AML

November 2nd 2016

Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD, professor of Medicine, chief, Section of Myelodysplastic Syndromes, in the Department of Leukemia, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses the potential of curing patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Garcia-Manero explained this reasoning in an interview during the 2016 OncLive State of the Science Summit on Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies.