Fox Chase Cancer Center | Strategic Alliance Partners

Latest from Fox Chase Cancer Center

Latinx Patients Highlight Barriers to Tumor Genomic Profiling for Cancer

May 29, 2023

Latinx patients with cancer had a low rate of tumor genomic profiling, partially due to structural and cultural barriers, according to findings from a qualitative study presented during the 5th Annual Regional SPEECH Conference and Retreat.

SPEECH Conference Highlights Multiplicity of Ongoing Efforts in Cancer Care Equity

May 23, 2023

Young investigators, fellows, and medical students recently gathered at the Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to network and share exciting research aimed at addressing disparities in the dissemination of cancer care at the 5th Annual Regional Synergistic Partnership for Enhancing Equity in Cancer Health Conference and Retreat.

Researcher at Lewis Katz School of Medicine and Fox Chase Wins $800,000 Grant for Work on Childhood Cancers

May 01, 2023

Christian Hurtz, PhD, an assistant professor at the Fels Cancer Institute for Personalized Medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, has been awarded a four-year $800,000 A-Award by Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer.

Fox Chase Cancer Center Clinical Director Wins Oncology Nursing Society’s Excellence in Cancer Nursing Management Award

April 21, 2023

Erin Longstreth-Papsun, RN, MSN, OCN, NEA-BC, clinical director of Ambulatory Satellite Clinics and Radiation Oncology Nursing at Fox Chase Cancer Center, was recently awarded the Excellence in Cancer Nursing Management Award by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS).