Optimizing Treatment Strategies for HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer: ESR1 Mutations and Emerging Therapies - Episode 3

Dynamics of ESR1 Alterations and Serial Liquid Biopsies


In their discussion, medical experts in the field of breast cancer explore the role of liquid biopsies and compare the significance of ESR1 mutations to other biomarkers, such as PIK3CA, in terms of their driver versus passenger status in the context of HR+/HER2- breast cancer.

  1. Can you explain the functional consequences of different ESR1 mutations on estrogen receptor signaling and endocrine resistance?
    • How does it change the way you test? Liquid v solid tissue
      • How and when are you testing?
    • How do ESR1 mutations compare to other biomarkers like PIK3CA in terms of their driver vs passenger status in HR+/HER2- breast cancer?