Updates on HER2-Directed ADCs Across Solid Tumors - Episode 4

Emerging Data from ASCO 2024 in HER2-low: DESTINY-Breast06

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Dr Gadi leads a discussion on recent data on the treatment of HER2-low tumors, including ASCO updates on the DESTINY-Breast06 trial.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Can you please offer an overview of the primary results from the DESTINY-PanTumor02 trial (Meric-Bernstam_J Clin Oncol_2024), specifically in regard to each of the following:
    • cervical
    • ovarian cancers
    • endometrial
      • STATICE trial results (Nishikawa J Clin Oncol 2023)
      • What is the potential for DB-1303 in endometrial cancer (Moore_J Clin Oncol_2023)
  • Where in the treatment sequencing do you expect HER2-direct ADCs to fit?