Best Practices for Managing Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor-Related Adverse Events - Episode 9

Experts Discuss How to Address Cardiac-Related Toxicities With EGFR TKIs

Gregory Riely, MD, and Shirish Gadgeel, MD, discuss how to address cardiac-related toxicities associated with treatment with EGFR TKIs.

Gregory Riely, MD, and Shirish Gadgeel, MD, discuss how to address cardiac-related toxicities associated with treatment with EGFR TKIs.

Gregory Riely, MD, is a medical oncologist in the Department of Medicine at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Shirish Gadgeel, MD, is the co-leader of the Thoracic Oncology Research Program and a Mary Lou Kennedy Research Professor at the University of Michigan.

Riely and Gadgeel explain their monitoring habits for cardiac-related toxicities with EGFR TKIs. Baseline EKG and echocardiograms are necessary, as are intermittent echocardiograms when patients are on treatment.

As more data become available for patients being treated with the EGFR TKI mobocertinib (Exkivity), it is expected that the overall understanding of cardiac toxicities will be refined. Moreover, patient education is vital for them to understand their symptoms and management options for cardiac toxicities.