Maurie Markman, MD


Markman Highlights Key Areas of Investigation in Oncology

June 19th 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, offers expert insights on the hurdles facing community oncologists, the uptake of biomarkers in the clinic, and an overview of what to look forward to in his area of expertise: gynecologic oncology.

Peer-Reviewed Data Present an Essential But Problematic Component of Oncology Research

May 31st 2022

There are serious concerns about textbook descriptions of peer review, specifically within the realm of clinical research, which pose a threat to both the objectivity of the field of investigative medicine and, perhaps most importantly, to the public’s support of clinical science.

The Saga of Regional Therapy in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

May 17th 2022

Despite numerous well-designed and conducted randomized trials, a definitive answer to the role of specific disease management remains unclear, particularly in the discussions of the optimal role for the regional delivery of cytotoxic chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with ovarian cancer.

We Must Improve Communication With the Public

May 2nd 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the need for oncologists to improve communication with the public and patients.

Pragmatic Clinical Trials Can Play a Key Role in Oncology

April 20th 2022

Pragmatic clinical trials “inform a clinical or policy decision by providing evidence for adoption of the intervention into real-world clinical practice.”

Unexpected but Potentially Actionable Cancer Clinical Trial Results: What Happens Next?

April 4th 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the obstacles between implementing clinical trial data into practice.

The Language of Science Is No Longer Just for Clinicians

March 22nd 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the expansion and overlap of the language of science within different medical disciplines and the general public.

Cancer Efforts Face Setback as Ongoing Challenges to Scientific Authority Continue

March 3rd 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the obstacles presented to cancer efforts as a result of challenges to scientific authority during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Serious Concerns Cloud Potential Benefit of Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Screening

February 3rd 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, explains the concerns surrounding liquid biopsies in cancer screening, and why regulatory agencies should be cautious and not approve any proposed molecularly based cancer diagnostic screening strategy until the tool is shown to effect cancer-specific survival compared with a control population not undergoing such testing.

The Clinical Utility of Surrogate End Points Sparks Debate in Oncology

January 20th 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the debate between surrogate end points of overall survival and progression-free survival in clinical trials within oncology.

Implications of FDA Approval of Alzheimer Drug May Extend to Novel Anticancer Therapies

January 10th 2022

It is difficult to know where exactly to begin this commentary regarding the FDA approval to permit commer-cial sales of the Alzheimer disease drug aducanumab-avwa.

The Future of Cancer Care Depends on Trust in the Scientific Community

January 4th 2022

Maurie Markman, MD, shares how evidence strongly supports that approaches to cancer prevention have little chance of success unless those being targeted are willing to listen to, and ultimately trust, the recommendations being made by members of the scientific community.

It Is Time to Reexamine Control Arms in Phase 3 Trials

December 23rd 2021

Maurie Markman, MD on strategies to appropriately evaluate small but clinically relevant patient subsets for whom traditional phase 3 randomized clinical trials are difficult, if not impossible, to complete in a realistically timely manner.

Oncology Drug Regulation Faces an Uncertain Future

December 1st 2021

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses how agency leaders should be encouraged to improve regulatory science, include a patient’s perspective in approval decisions, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and costs associated with the conduct of trials, and accelerate the overall review process for drug approval.

Beyond the Peer-Review Publication: Addressing Implications of Research for Patients

November 4th 2021

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the need for peer-reviewed publications to encourage further discussion and debate, challenge existing ideas or dogma, or provide support for current biological concepts or in the clinical realm for treatment of patients.

The Challenging Future of the FDA in the Cancer Arena

October 25th 2021

Maurie Markman, MD, highlights the ongoing regulatory concerns that demand attention of the FDA in the cancer arena amidst evolving issues regarding COVID-19.

Challenges to Scientific Expertise: Future Implications for Oncology

October 12th 2021

The continued uncertainties of the current and future status of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a lack of trust in the authority of the scientific establishment in the United States, and elsewhere, as it operates during these difficult times.

Questions Loom for the Adequacy of Peer Review in Oncology

October 4th 2021

There has been limited discussion in the cancer literature for how peer review among the multiple oncology journals and international cancer conferences is conducted.

Untangling Fact From Bias in the Age of Social Media and Mistrust

September 2nd 2021

It is difficult to overstate the confusion associated with our nation’s messaging regarding a well-considered, rational, and scientifically based public health–focused approach to the current and future ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Misinformation on Cancer Prevention Stems from COVID-19 Communication Efforts

August 15th 2021

One year ago, few objective observers would have suggested that the percentage of individuals who are currently fully vaccinated is less than 30%, despite the well-documented real-world success data for the vaccines in preventing serious illness, hospitalizations, and death from COVID-19 infection.