Maurie Markman, MD


Genetic Revolution Should Not Overlook Privacy Concerns

October 15th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses privacy concerns associated with genetic testing.

Early-Stage Oncology Trials Increasingly Yield Therapeutic Benefits

September 29th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the clinical benefit of early-stage trials.

Great Advances Call for Great Vigilance and Integrity

September 24th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, reflects on how technological advances have impacted translational science and clinical medicine.

Surgical Trials Highlight Complexity of Interpreting Randomized Data

August 31st 2018

In recent years there has been much discussion about the serious limitations of the conduct and interpretation of randomized trials examining the utility of antineoplastic drug therapy.

Patient-Experienced Toxicity Is a Biomarker Worth Considering

August 17th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, says that the acceleration in regulatory agency approvals for novel antineoplastic agents and the focus of biomarker discovery proves that this is the era of precision medicine.

Reforms Would Add Value to the Randomized Trial

July 30th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the increasing criticism of the phase III randomized trial in oncology.

Dr. Markman on Latest Advances in Treatment of Gynecological Malignancies

July 18th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, president of Medicine and Science, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, discusses the latest advances in treatment for gynecological malignancies and other tumor types.

Defining Precision Cancer Medicine the Right Way

July 17th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, defines precision medicine in oncology.

Inaccurate, Muddled Messages Jeopardize the Public's Trust in Science

June 27th 2018

The public’s faith in science, particularly in efforts related to health, is crucial for the successful implementation of strategies designed to improve the human condition, says Maurie Markman, MD.

Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment: Highly Relevant But Increasingly Complex

June 12th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the potential to employ germline data and knowledge about the presence of specific common, uncommon, or rare variants to cancer therapy.

Will Precision Medicine Displace the Randomized Trial?

May 20th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, sheds light on the debate regarding the future direction of clinical investigation.

Right-to-Try Laws: Let's Move Beyond the Rhetoric

May 15th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, shares his thoughts on the right-to-try bill, which would allow terminally ill patients to receive investigational drugs that have been studied in phase I trials without applying through the FDA’s expanded access program.

Opioid Epidemic Poses Complex Problem for Cancer Care

May 10th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, discusses the cause and impact of the opioid addiction epidemic in the United States.

All Is Not Well in the World of Academic Scientific Enterprise

April 28th 2018

It is quite difficult for those not directly involved in the complex world of academic medicine to understand fully the process of individual professional advancement and the values that organizations place on the components required for achieving and maintaining tenure.

HPV Vaccination Should Be Part of Oncology Cost-Reduction Strategy

April 3rd 2018

The impact of staggering increases in the cost of individual antineoplastic agents for patients and the overall healthcare system cannot be overstated, and there appears to be no realistic solution to the current dilemma that is acceptable to the parties involved in this ongoing debate.

Weighing Treatment Risks Versus Benefits Ultimately a Patient Calculation

March 15th 2018

One of the cardinal principles of modern medicine, as practiced in the United States, is active participation by patients—and often their families—in the process of clinical decision making.

Is the Median All We Should Offer Our Patients?

February 28th 2018

Although median survival is a reasonable endpoint to highlight, it is only 1 of many relevant outcome factors to discuss, and, most important, this mathematical figure simply does not define the survival of any particular patient.

Decision Support Is Lacking in Flood of New Data

February 14th 2018

Decision support is only lightly touched upon in the academic oncology papers that are published almost daily suggesting a potential change in paradigms for management in a particular clinical setting.

Dr. Markman on Overall Survival as an Endpoint in Ovarian Cancer Trials

February 7th 2018

Maurie Markman, MD, president of Medicine and Science, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, editor-in-chief, OncologyLive, discusses overall survival as an endpoint in ovarian cancer clinical trials.

Biomarkers Go Beyond "All or None" Equation

January 31st 2018

The FDA’s recent approvals of novel anti-PARP agents as maintenance therapy for patients with previously treated advanced ovarian cancer highlight an issue that has received inadequate attention in the peer-reviewed oncology literature.