Raoul S. Concepcion, MD


The Challenges That Lie Ahead

December 13th 2012

As many of us are keenly aware, the coming 12 months present some very challenging times in the medical community.

Are Physicians Drowning?

October 4th 2012

As with most industries where outcome metrics are crucial for continued success, the government is wanting physicians to deliver care that is outcome- and evidence-based.

Dr. Concepcion Discusses Urologists Treating Cancer

July 12th 2012

Dr. Raoul Concepcion, from Urology Associates, PC, Discusses Urologists Treating Cancer.

Dr. Concepcion on Bladder Cancer Treatment and Costs

June 14th 2012

Dr. Raoul Concepcion, from the Urology Associates, PC, Nashville, TN, on Bladder Cancer Treatment and Costs.

Dr. Concepcion Discusses Prostate Cancer Therapies

May 31st 2012

Dr. Raoul Concepcion, from Urology Associates, PC, Nashville, TN, Discusses New Prostate Cancer Therapies.