My Treatment Approach: Optimizing Treatment for Chronic GVHD - Episode 8

Clinical Scenario: Treatment Selection in the third line and beyond in cGVHD


Medical experts discuss treatment selection for a specific clinical scenario.

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Dr Holtan: Please read this clinical scenario: Four months after having undergone allogenic hematopoietic stem transplant, a patient presents to the clinic with rashes over a large portion of his body and dry eyes. Based on clinical presentation and lab results, a diagnosis of moderate cGVHD is established. Patient was treated with steroids and subsequent calcineurin inhibitors for 4 to 6 weeks but showed little improvement in cGVHD symptoms.

  • Dr Ali:What other treatments could be used in such patients once steroid refractoriness is established?
    • Are there factors you consider when choosing an alternate treatment option (efficacy, safety profile, clinical manifestations)?